Join us in the picnic grove and field for some nature-focused fun!
Nature Crafts, Games & Activities
Saturday, April 22, 11:00am-3:00pm
Raindate: Sunday, April 23, 11:00am-3:00pm
Grab your family, friends, group or troop and stop by to help with some gardens and grounds cleanup around the property, including:
Please bring a pair of work gloves and a rake if you have them. While your are here, be sure to check out our other Earth Day activities!
Stop by anytime between 11am-3pm; ALL ages are welcome!
Community Partner Tables
Stop by and visit these terrific organizations and learn about their work
Almstead Tree, Shrub and Lawn Care
ISA certified arborist Jon Olsz is looking forward to talking about maintaining healthy trees and shrubs, planting native species, diseases and invasive threats, and tips for pruning. Jon will also be giving away native tree saplings to take home and plant!
AmeriCorps NJ Watershed Ambassador
The Watershed Ambassadors Program plays an important role in raising awareness of how human activities can affect water quality, especially in the most densely populated state in the nation, and works to channel awareness into action. NJDEP AmeriCorps Watershed Ambassador Sue Livingston will be onsite to talk about our watershed and demonstrate how macroinvertebrates that live in our streams can indicate the health of the watershed. Wear waterproof boots if you want to get in the stream to help collect critters.
Bergen Community College - Bergen Bulldogs Outdoors Club
The club is committed to increasing access to the outdoors by encouraging outdoor education, stewardship, and equity.
Double Dog Dare Honey
Beekeeper Steve Brossok will have an "observation hive" which will allow attendees to see the day-to-day activities of our busy honeybees, including the Queen, workers, drones, brood (baby bees) and honey storage, all within a sealed glass case. He will also have some of his delicious local, raw, unfiltered honey from their hives in Ringwood and Oakland for sale (cash only).
Highlands Natural Pool
The pool is adjacent to The New Weis Center, and is open to the general public for swimming, picnics, hiking, and recreation. Listed as one of "The 21 Places in New Jersey You Need to Visit", and named the best swimming hole in NJ, this Olympic-sized, stream-fed, chemical-free swimming pool is located in a scenic wooded setting adjacent to The New Weis Center and Norvin Green State Forest. Stop by to meet the Trustees, who will be happy to give you a tour!
The Land Conservancy of New Jersey
A member-supported, nonprofit, accredited land trust dedicated to preserving and protecting natural land and water resources throughout the state in order to build environmental resilience and fight the climate crisis. Since 1981, TLCNJ has protected 29,000 acres of open space by working with 100 municipalities in 13 counties and continues to be recognized for meeting the highest standards for protecting open space, upholding the public trust, and ensuring that their conservation efforts are permanent.
Mindful Wilderness
Founder and owner Alexandra Radoaca is a sound practitioner and herbalist, as well as a NY State certified camping and hiking guide and a Wilderness First Responder. She offer retreats and workshops weaving together herbalism, nature connection, earth living skills, sound healing and mind body practices with an intention to create relationship with the Earth and to ourselves.
NJ Search and Rescue
NJSAR provides highly trained volunteer search personnel throughout NJ, NY, PA and beyond, 24/7/365. They offer incident management, mountain rescue, medical, and ground search and rescue services. They manage all types of missing persons cases in wilderness, rural, suburban and urban environments. Member Mark Mielke will be onsite to discuss and demonstrate important tips for staying safe in the forest during your outdoor adventures.
Nature Connection of West Milford
Local nonprofit that curates opportunities for residents and visitors to recognize and experience their deep human connection to nature and each other. Their farmers market, community gardens, and native medicinal garden educate and empower residents to connect with, nourish, and heal themselves and each other through nature. A new on-line resource portal will connect people and nature in a variety of settings to deepen this relationship. Their goal is to put everything in one place online to make it easier to visit our region and discover the best options before, during and after your nature experience.
Passaic River Coalition
The Passaic River Coalition will be on hand to share their past, present and future endeavors within the 800 square miles of the Passaic River watershed. Their volunteer-based environmental nonprofit aims to improve our water quality; protect our water supplies; promote river restoration; reduce flood damages; and educate the public about our waters and the environmental, cultural and historical nature of our natural landscapes and rivers. They also oversee open space land trusts that require stewardship.
Ringwood Library
Stop by the RPL table to learn about the library’s varied services and explore the hands-on science learning kits that can be borrowed. These kits include the Birding Backpack, Rocks and Minerals collection, Fossil collection, Testing the Waters kit, and Light in the Night kit. Information about our Summer Reading Program and its related STEM Camp, All Together Now: Planet Earth, will be available. Finally, there will be lists of books about Earth Day and conservation to borrow from the library. No library card? We’ll help you sign up for one!
Sustainable Ringwood Green Team
Stop by their table to learn how they are making a difference in the community. Test your knowledge on how long everyday items take to decompose, learn about do's and don'ts for recycling and composting, and make a sustainable craft!
TrailBound Project
The vision of TBP is to inspire and help those who wish to experience the wilderness safely by teaching them the necessary skills through our courses & challenges, resulting in a fun and memorable experience.
Winding Waters Earth Skills
Primitive skills give us a strong sense of self-reliance, perseverance, and confidence that is unrivaled in today’s world. Founder and area expert Joe Blevis will be onsite to explain and demo some of the primitive wilderness skills that he teaches in his classes, which include shelter building, fire making, water collection and treatment, foraging, tracking, toolmaking, emergency preparedness, and much more. The New Weis Center is pleased to be a host site for many of Joe's terrific classes.
Learn more
Please plan to arrive a few minutes ahead of the scheduled program time
11:00-12:00: Forest Bathing (13 to adult)
The practice of forest bathing means to immerse oneself in the forest and soak in the atmosphere through the senses. Today's walk at an easy pace will focus on connecting to nature through mindfulness, as we explore our senses and the present moment through short, guided, meditations in the forest. Come explore a new way of walking through the forest! Led by New Weis Center Lead Educator Lauren Lynch.
11:30-12:30: Flight of the Forest (6 to adult)
Do you watch soaring vultures with a tinge of envy, or wonder why flies buzz when zipping past your ear? Birds and insects have evolved to fly to meet all sorts of needs, from migration, to hunting, to evading predation. On this short walk, we’ll explore all creatures with wings and learn about the principles and features of flight and the unique adaptations that make it possible. Led by Naturalist Sarah Crosby.
12:00-1:00: Sit Spot & Nature Journaling (6 to adult)
Let's slow down, reflect and appreciate the sensory rich environment of nature. We'll start with a gentle walk and and a well-loved and time honored sit spot activity. We'll listen for birdsong, observe trees swaying in the breeze and connect with the natural world through written reflections. Led by New Weis Center Educators/Naturalists.
12:30-1:30: Macroinvertebrates & the Watershed (6 to adult)
Join us for a fun short hike as we explore the Blue Mine Brook that runs through our property, search for macroinvertebrates, and learn how they can indicate the health of the watershed. Wear rainboots if you want to go in the stream and help collect the specimens. Led by NJDEP AmeriCorps Watershed Ambassador Sue Livingston.
1:00-2:00: Medicinal Invasive Plant Walk (6 to adult)
Most of us have heard the term "invasive species", and how they have a negative impact on our native ecosystems. But did you know that many of these plants are full of beneficial vitamins, nutrients, and medicine? Join us for a walk through the forest as we learn about invasives from a new perspective! We will focus on how to identify 3 of the more prevalent species, medicinal qualities that each offers, and ways to begin working with them yourself in a beautiful, sustainable way. Led by New Weis Center Lead Educator and Flow With Nature founder Lauren Lynch.
1:30-2:30: Geology Hike (all ages)
We will look for geologic clues to piece together a picture of the forces that shaped this land, examine the minerals that make it up, and learn about the unique geologic history both across New Jersey and right here at Weis! Led by New Weis Center Educator Nicole Vaccaro and Intern Educator Peter Lundell.
2:00-3:00: Survival Showdown (8 to adult)
We will capture the essence of wilderness survival by learning what’s really important in a survival situation. We will touch upon the key elements that make a thriving fire and through hands-on experience you’ll have a chance to make your own survival fire. Led by New Weis Center Senior Educator & Naturalist Erica Garfinkle.
2:30-3:00 (approx): Tree Walk (all ages)
Join us as for a short, easy paced tree walk as we unveil a new private interpretive trail created by our intern Intern Educators Veronica Klenk and Olivia Trezza, who will also lead the walk. We will observe and learn about 17 different species, all but one are native to the area!
Do I need to register?
No registration is required to attend the event or participate in any of the programs or activities. However, space is limited for the scheduled events, so plan to arrive early.
Where should I park?
Free parking is available in the gravel lot on Snake Den Road, near the outer gate to our Center (you'll see our sign and an info kiosk). If that lot is full, drive through the gate and follow the driveway, where signs will direct you to additional parking areas.
Are there restrooms onsite?
Yes! We have multiple restrooms in the lower level of our main building, and an accessible restroom on the main level.
Should I bring money?
Although the event and all activities are free, some of our community partners may have products or fundraising items for sale. If you would like to purchase something or make a donation, please bring CASH. The New Weis Center also accepts Venmo.
How can I support The New Weis Center and the participating nonprofit organizations?
We encourage visitors to support The New Weis Center by becoming a member, making a one-time donation or volunteering. Many of the participating community partners are also nonprofit organizations who appreciate donations and volunteers.
Will there be food or refreshments for sale?
We will not have refreshments for sale, but you are welcome to bring a snack or lunch and picnic on our field or in the covered pavilion. Please be sure to properly dispose of your trash or recycling in the bins provided, or take it with you. Reusable water bottles are encouraged!
Can I bring my dog?
Yes. We are making a special exception to the 'no dogs' policy for this event. If you are bringing a dog, they must be on a leash and under control at all times, and be sure to bring a disposal bag to pick up any waste.
All Ages Welcome