Business Donations

Advertise your business and show community outreach with a donation

Facilities, Projects, and Internships will be named after the corresponding business. Facility sponsorships includes a plaque and may expire after a certain duration. Internships will include the company name for the entire season they serve.

If you are interested in a naming opportunity for a memorial or business donation, or would like more information, please contact our Director Anne Siebecker at 973-835-2160, email, or fill out our contact form.

Sponsorship Opportunities for Companies and Businesses:

  • Events (Earth Day, Scout Appreciation Day)
  • Seasonal Internships
  • Multiroom Cabins
  • Nature House (c.1866) Renovation
  • Pavilion
  • Solar Shed
  • Outdoor Classroom
  • Garden 
  • Campsites
  • Parking Lots
  • Garden Shed

Memorial Donations

Great option for memorializing a loved one in a lasting and impactful way! 

Naming of facilities and features include a memorial plaque that denotes who it is dedicated to. Memorial Donations do not have to be renewed.

Sponsorship/Naming Opportunities for Memorial and Business Donors

Memorial Naming Opportunities:

  • Single Room Cabins (includes Cabins 1 & 2)

         -Donations go to Restoration and upkeep

  • Bridges
  • Rooms in the Main Building 


         -Main Room

         -Staff Room



  • Kiosks
  • Log Square Outdoor Classroom
  • Garden Beds
  • On Property Trails